Hi Alex. Welcome back to Stockholm. Looking forward to reading your book.
At MusikBojen we are members of a co-working space that may interest you. I would be happy to eat lunch there with you and Sophie when you'll be in Stockholm. The place is called ALMA and is situated on Nybrogatan 8. The members have access to small meeting rooms that could serve your purpose. https://www.thisisalma.com/
Hi Alex. Welcome back to Stockholm. Looking forward to reading your book.
At MusikBojen we are members of a co-working space that may interest you. I would be happy to eat lunch there with you and Sophie when you'll be in Stockholm. The place is called ALMA and is situated on Nybrogatan 8. The members have access to small meeting rooms that could serve your purpose. https://www.thisisalma.com/
Good luck with your projects. Claire
Thanks Claire. I'd love to meet up with you and Sophie. Let's connect about that soon.