Update: Podcast Conversations
I’ve been on a couple of podcasts recently to talk about my new book, On Relationality. Here are a couple of the conversations that have been released so far.
What is a Good Life? with Mark McCartney
I really enjoyed being talking with Mark McCartney on the What is a Good Life? podcast. We had a slow, rich, and emergent conversation. Some of the themes we touched on were what it means to be intimate with life, how triggers can bring us closer in relationships, and how leaders can embody intimacy in leadership.
The Eddy Network Podcast with Ed Brenegar
Ed Brenegar and I had fun on his podcast exploring relationality and Martin Buber’s ideas. We also explored self-pressure and transitions in work and the rest of life.
More interviews will be released in the next few months. And new week I’ll post a new essay on choice-making and ethics. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you. Stay tuned.